Mitgo Group CEO Alexander Bachmann joins Forbes Business Council

Forbes Councils is an invitation-only, professional organization where top CEOs and entrepreneurs share their experience and gain visibility on
Mitgo Group is very honoured to announce that Forbes Business Council welcomes our CEO Alexander Bachmann as a new member.
Forbes Business Council is a global network of owners, founders, general managers, and executive leader at businesses that have generated $500,000+ in funding or annual revenue.
Members of the Forbes Business Council are respected leaders who are selected for the council based on the depth and diversity of experience in leadership, management, customer engagement, technology and growth.
Connectivity, visibility, and growth are the three main pillars of Forbes’ business council communities.
Business success relies on connections. The Forbes Business Council helps build meaningful connections and meet the right people. is the exclusive place where the expert insights can be published. By participating in expert panels and writing bylined articles, members enhance their reputation as thought leaders – and are able to share their valuable insights and experience.
Forbes Business Council members also help one another grow personally and professionally through posts, interactive groups, direct connections, and virtual events.
A membership well deserved
Alexander Bachmann launched his first IT projects at the very early age, collaborating with the top advertising market players in Germany. He then founded Admitad in 2009 as an affiliate network, which quickly expanded into emerging markets and gained a reputation as a transparent and trustworthy platform for advertisers and publishers.
After years of growing the company and acquiring a few more businesses, Alexander Bachmann took a decision to build a new parent company Mitgo unifying all Admitad entities, and taking ownership of all solutions and services in the MarTech, FinTech, Smart Shopping and IT-driven Startup Incubation sectors.
Alexander Bachmann sees transparency and fairness as top priorities for his growing business. Bachmann has been listed among top 50 online marketing players in Germany according to OMR, and has already been interviewed by telling his remarkable and inspiring entrepreneurial story.
Key insights from the first post
Being an entrepreneur himself and leading a company employing over 700 people in 10+ offices worldwide, Alexander never underestimated the essential first steps that could help building a new company and launching successful business. He shares his thoughts and insights in his very first council’s post:
- Honesty and passion are really important: transparent data about your business can make a huge decision difference in your favour.
- Saying NO is very important too, but also having a room for negotiations if your expectations are not matched by the offerings. Stay open-minded, you would be positively surprised how many unknown possibilities for your business to grow are out there.
These and other key learnings, and more insights on how to win big investors and long-term partners can all be found here
Follow us on LinkedIn for more insights, updates and useful tips – or reach out to Alexander Bachmann personally if you have a business idea worth to develop together.